Monday, November 22, 2010

Maintaining the Mikvah

Our new mini-sugyah deals with the status of a mikveh impacted by three לוגים of מים שאובין - or 'drawn water'; מים שאובין invalidates a mikvah מדרבנן.  The rule of Rav Yehuda is that 3 לוגים of such water that had one קרטוב of wine drop into it - and then the mixture dropped into the mikvah - do NOT invalidate the mikvah.  

Rav Kahana, who has been attacking R. Yehuda's halachot since the top of our amud, questions why this case - in which the mikvah is kosher - is different than the case of colored water of the same measure -that invalidates a mikvah according to R. Yosi in a mishna.

Rava's answer: the latter case has the status of colored water- and therefore, of מים שאויבים - whereas the former is called "diluted wine".  Diluted wine is not water and therefore does not invalidate the mikvah...

The Gemara does not accept this distinction, since R. Chiyah recounted a baraita that says that both the cases of wine and colored water both invalidate a mikvah.  So we are back to the question as to how R. Yehuda can say that the wine case still does not invlalidate a mikvah.  Rava answers in the Gemara - this issue of the debate between R. Yehuda and R.Chiya represents a long-standing machloket Tannaim.....and each one of these Amoraim 'sides' with his own Tanna....

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